Module pacai.core.mdp

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import abc

class MarkovDecisionProcess(abc.ABC):
    def getStates(self):
        Return a list of all states in the MDP.
        Not generally possible for large MDPs.


    def getStartState(self):
        Return the start state of the MDP.


    def getPossibleActions(self, state):
        Return list of possible actions from 'state'.


    def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(self, state, action):
        Returns list of (nextState, prob) pairs representing the states reachable
        from 'state' by taking 'action' along with their transition probabilities.

        Note that in Q-Learning and reinforcment learning in general,
        we do not know these probabilities nor do we directly model them.


    def getReward(self, state, action, nextState):
        Get the reward for the state, action, nextState transition.

        Not available in reinforcement learning.


    def isTerminal(self, state):
        Returns true if the current state is a terminal state.
        By convention, a terminal state has zero future rewards.
        Sometimes the terminal state(s) may have no possible actions.
        It is also common to think of the terminal state as having
        a self-loop action 'pass' with zero reward; the formulations are equivalent.



class MarkovDecisionProcess (*args, **kwargs)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class MarkovDecisionProcess(abc.ABC):
    def getStates(self):
        Return a list of all states in the MDP.
        Not generally possible for large MDPs.


    def getStartState(self):
        Return the start state of the MDP.


    def getPossibleActions(self, state):
        Return list of possible actions from 'state'.


    def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(self, state, action):
        Returns list of (nextState, prob) pairs representing the states reachable
        from 'state' by taking 'action' along with their transition probabilities.

        Note that in Q-Learning and reinforcment learning in general,
        we do not know these probabilities nor do we directly model them.


    def getReward(self, state, action, nextState):
        Get the reward for the state, action, nextState transition.

        Not available in reinforcement learning.


    def isTerminal(self, state):
        Returns true if the current state is a terminal state.
        By convention, a terminal state has zero future rewards.
        Sometimes the terminal state(s) may have no possible actions.
        It is also common to think of the terminal state as having
        a self-loop action 'pass' with zero reward; the formulations are equivalent.



  • abc.ABC



def getPossibleActions(self, state)

Return list of possible actions from 'state'.

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def getPossibleActions(self, state):
    Return list of possible actions from 'state'.

def getReward(self, state, action, nextState)

Get the reward for the state, action, nextState transition.

Not available in reinforcement learning.

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def getReward(self, state, action, nextState):
    Get the reward for the state, action, nextState transition.

    Not available in reinforcement learning.

def getStartState(self)

Return the start state of the MDP.

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def getStartState(self):
    Return the start state of the MDP.

def getStates(self)

Return a list of all states in the MDP. Not generally possible for large MDPs.

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def getStates(self):
    Return a list of all states in the MDP.
    Not generally possible for large MDPs.

def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(self, state, action)

Returns list of (nextState, prob) pairs representing the states reachable from 'state' by taking 'action' along with their transition probabilities.

Note that in Q-Learning and reinforcment learning in general, we do not know these probabilities nor do we directly model them.

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def getTransitionStatesAndProbs(self, state, action):
    Returns list of (nextState, prob) pairs representing the states reachable
    from 'state' by taking 'action' along with their transition probabilities.

    Note that in Q-Learning and reinforcment learning in general,
    we do not know these probabilities nor do we directly model them.

def isTerminal(self, state)

Returns true if the current state is a terminal state. By convention, a terminal state has zero future rewards. Sometimes the terminal state(s) may have no possible actions. It is also common to think of the terminal state as having a self-loop action 'pass' with zero reward; the formulations are equivalent.

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def isTerminal(self, state):
    Returns true if the current state is a terminal state.
    By convention, a terminal state has zero future rewards.
    Sometimes the terminal state(s) may have no possible actions.
    It is also common to think of the terminal state as having
    a self-loop action 'pass' with zero reward; the formulations are equivalent.
